Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Now I'm pissed. My favorite designer, Chris, was kicked off. I'm not posting pictures because you saw the fucking show. I don't give a shit anymore. NOW NO YOU SEE THE REAL ME. Fuck this shit.

Chris went home. I can't believe it. His dress was worse than Ricky's? No. Chris' dress was bad, but not Ricky bad. And Ricky has consistently made shitty ass shit. FUCK RICKY. He took my fat roller pig Chris away!!!

Ricky designed for Oscar? He designed for Wang? Bullshit. He's terrible. FUCK RICKY. He better go home tomorrow. I was so angry, I didn't want to address my blog last week.

Ricky is a bitch. "I was a dancer..." Just shut-up. Shut-up.

Ricky is also very ugly. Chris could lose 100 lbs. and may be fuckable, but Ricky would never be fuckable. EVER. Someone needs to redesign Ricky's face. FUCK RICKY.

And another thing. Heidi should not be a fucking judge. She wears some WACK ASS SHIT. I don't care if it's designer. What was the black sequent shirt she was wearing?!?! Did she pull that out of Bea Arther's closet? Fuck.

Tomorrow. Show. Jack's crying? AIDS? I don't know. Mad drama. Maybe someone died. Now that I know that I will never be able to sleep with Jack, I'm over him.

I'm now pulling for Mr. Hairdon't, Christian.

Team HAIRDON'T!!!!